
•Tango known as “the music of the immigrants to Argentina” and also known as “Argentine Tango”.

•Tango derives from the Cuban Habanera. They also say that tango came from the languages of the Niger-Congo in Africa.

•At the start, Tango hasd ballet-like movement between two men which then later on became a dance where both men and women would rub their bodies together. This was a catastrophe for some people.

•Tango started in the neighborhoods of Buenos Aires and then later it came to Paris, Montevideo, Uruguay, and is now spread across the world.

•Tango movement is influenced by ancient African rhythms and from music in Europe.

•Present Tango forms developed in the 19th century.

•Flamenco Tangos share a common ancestor in a minuet- style (European dance).

•Salon music styles became popular in early 20th century in Paris.

•In 1902 the Teatro Opera started to include tango in the balls.

•1913 Tango hit New York and Finland.

•Exported versions of Tango dance with less body contact became know as “Ballroom Tango”.

•In 1922 guidelines for English (international) style of tango was set.

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